

Pippin hunkers down on the cats' favorite crocheted afghan (20 January).

The housekeepers are back with the evil vacuum cleaner (23 January).

Pippin spots the army of robins on the bird bath (26 February).

Jonathan's fleece lined sweater makes a good place to nest (22 March).

Tillie wants the squirrel that has managed to get onto the bird feeder (13 April).

Pippin supervising the preparation of the guest room for remodeling (16 April).

I wouldn't let the cats into the bathroom which was gutted down the the studs and rafters, so they had to make do with the construction materials (and trash) in the guest room (19 May).

Pippin examines the progress in the bathroom on a chaperoned visit to the site (25 May).

“What’s all this water doing on the floor?” Pippin investigates the testing of the shower pan to hold water (18 June).

Pippin has gotten comfortable with the workers in the house. He really didn't want to be moved from his comfortable spot in my chair (21 June).

It was a little chilly out with the rain – the cat's favorite afghan results in a temporary truce between Tillie and Pippin (30 June).

A compromise – Pippin will sit on the table, but not on my project (04 July).

Black cat.
White tile.
(10 July).

Gray cat.
White tile.
(04 August).

Pippin ‘helps’ make the new Murphy bed (08 August).

Pippin went through the screen to tackle his tormenter - a chubby Siamese - both of them falling into the bushes below. The Siamese never came back. It cost $270 to repair the screen.
(28 August).

The goldfish rodeo was a success - all eight survived the summer. These were the 33cent feeder goldfish to keep the expensive one company - I was expecting a 75% mortality rate. (09 October).

Pippin stretching out on my lap and legs.
(13 October).