Laundry & Kitchen Remodel

January-April 2013

The back wing of the kitchen as staged when we were purchasing the house (13 October 2012).

I had the washer and dryer placed approximately where I want them to be ultimately. Appliance Specialties hooked them up so I could use them during construction (23 December 2012).

The cabinets have arrived and here are in the middle of the installation. The entire project is being handled by Appliance Specialties (28 January 2013).

Looking back towards the bathroom. The three electrical outlets, and the hidden one for the appliances, are new (28 January 2013).

The island cabinet arrived today - more like a piece of furniture than a cabinet (29 January 2013).

The other side of the island - the cabinet doors and hardware remains to be installed. There are wine racks on either end (29 January 2013).

The hobbits give the island a thorough inspection. This piece will be topped with white marble, and will have an overhang on the left side where stools will be positioned. The white marble is a counter-point to black granite in the black/white scheme of the kitchen (29 January 2013).

The latest vintage has arrived . . . (29 January 2013).

The cabinet installation is just about complete. The bins are for "cat fud" and litter, with the cat box underneath (29 January 2013).

Pretty much done - the measurements for the black granite countertops is the next step. It takes about 2 weeks to cut the pieces (29 January 2013).

A second set of bins have been installed, this set in the pre-existing cabinet for trash and recycles (29 January 2013).

Pippin and Merry check out the cabinets over the laundry (01 February 2013).

The two drawer stacks are placed in the computer room. The right four-plex of outlets needs some adjustment, and on the left, a hole will need to be drilled in the side to allow the internet cable to come out. The cabinets were placed so the countertop measurement could be made (04 February 2013).

Merry tries on the new cabinet for size. You can see the coaxial cable coming out the bottom drawer opening (04 February 2013).

All the countertops were delivered and installed today. The Corian countertop in the computer room is a bit long to get into a single shot. I chose a lighter color as I didn't want the desk top to absorb all the light. There were some bright colors available, but I decided to go neutral (22 February 2013).

The other end of the computer desktop - Jonathan has already started to move in (22 February 2013).

The black granite countertops in the laundry. You can see my computer set up on the card table to the right by the kitchen windows (22 February 2013).

The completed kitchen island awaiting the wine bottles. We still haven't determined what pots will go in the cabinet nor utensils in the drawers (22 February 2013).

The kitchen looking a bit more like we had envisioned it. My computer has been moved to the computer room. We ordered a breakfast table to put by the window, and plan on replacing the chandalier with something a bit more interesting (23 February 2013).

Our spokes-model-cat Merry showing off the mudroom bench and hutch from LL Bean (24 February 2013).

The card table and computer have been replaced by a breakfast set. I'm looking for some cushions and placemats to add some color to the room. I want to get a pendant light fixture with colorful glass globes to install over the table also (25 February 2013).

A trip to Pier One Imports produced the seat cushions which pick up the reds and golds from the living room, and the placemats in the same area of the spectrum (02 March 2013).

A final shot of the completed laundry with Pippin as spokescat/model (03 March 2013).

Merry tries out the bar stools (05 March 2013).

Close-up of the new light fixture over the breakfast table. Behind the new shades on the window are visible (02 April 2013).

A longer view of the new light fixture. It can be a challenge getting a good photo of the set as the new lights give a rather orange cast to most of the photos I've taken (02 April 2013).

A snap of the completed computer room - I installed the two lights on either side of the window, and bought the free-standing bookcases which stand on top of the counter. Jonathan is making a cart to accomomdate all the assorted electronica currently on the table underneath (14 April 2013).

Jonathan at his computer - shouldn't he be in the basement making that cart? (14 April 2013)