Ice Globe, 2013

Since it gets so cold here, I figured why not play with it? I got an ice globe kit at Kowalski's, our neighborhood grocery store. This is the first globe we made, with the second one just set out to freeze. Under the green balloon is a plastic dish to keep it from rolling away, and a styrofoam pad for insulation.

After sitting outside overnight (11 hours) at -6°F, the globe has been brought inside to the kitchen sink.

Beginning the peel. Obviously the balloons aren't re-usable, but you can buy more.

Completely peeled. The globe hasn't frozen all the way, which is what is desired.

The unfrozen water at the center of the globe has been emptied out and the edge smoothed a bit. The wall is about 1 - 1½" thick.

The globe is flipped over - you can see a ring on top where it melted while the ballooon was being removed.

The second globe has joined the first on our back steps. Both globes are awaiting the delivery of waterproof LED lights to put inside. The instructions in the kit also include the use of candles which requires the melting of a chimney. I figure LEDs are the safer way to go.