Unmitigated evil…

… is hardly something that Ken seeks, but it’s what he finds whenever the Jørgensens are nearby. So he spends a lot of his time peering from behind doors and other obstructions. And when he fails to avoid them, woe be­tide…

The ugly, angular, inhumanly clanking Jørgensens, com­mun­i­cat­ing only in the ear-offending clicks and spangs of the Danish language, full of hawks and gargles, seem to have nothing in mind for Ken but death and dis­mem­ber­ment. Sometimes he escapes…

The big one was in their midst, but clearly was their leader

It was as if he was living through a bad movie

He could see them standing over his headless body—
And they had their knives out

They had beheaded him again, but this time
they were standing beside some other head

And they made a ghastly pagan idol out of him