2004 Chile

The Paine Massif in the Torres del Paine National Park in Patagonia as seen from the transfer point where the hosteria vans transfer guests to the busses on the morning of November 12.

Here is my narrative describing our trip to/from and walking tour in Chile - the Lakes region and Patagonia. I'll link the corresponding pages from Jonathan's website so that folks can jump back and forth between them.

The background on the webpages for this trip is a shot of mata guanaco - guanaco bush, Anarthrophyllum rigidum - in Patagonia. I've taken the liberty of altering the color, but not the pattern, to match the color scheme of this site.

The images on the site, unless otherwise noted, were taken using an Olympus D400 Zoom, using an intermediate resolution, which results in JPEG's that are 640x480 pixels. With the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, I should've used the high resolution and gotten some more or higher capacity memory cards. I also should have used the flash more often to cope with the variable light and partly cloudy conditions.

I'd like to thank Eileen, Janice, Sue, Lavon, and Olivier for sending their photos that I've used on this site.